Friday, June 8, 2012

Menacing chocolate by Wylie Molina

Menacing Chocolate

Dear candy cravers,
The company you love and adore Hershey's is a pain giver to the people of Africa more like the children of Africa. This company and many more use cocoa beans from the Ivory Coast and other places to make their chocolate but the people who harvest the cocoa are children from 10 years old to 15 or even older. Thanks to these companies children abandon their home to go work in the cocoa farm or are taken away from their families to work in the farms. Not to mention in the farms the children have to use machetes which gives them cut and wounds which exposes them to many diseases.

       THE PEOPLE OF THE U.S.A. AND AFRICA MUST FIGHT AGANST THE CHILD LABOR IN THE CHOCOLATE INDUSTRY!!!!!! All of us can do many things like buying fair trade chocolate which is buying cocoa beans from farmers and they get paid the right amount of money so they don’t have to hire children. That’s not all we can do much more things like raising awareness of what’s happening in the chocolate industry like the newest updates about the child labor.  So lastly we must fight, fight, and fight till there is no more child labor in the cocoa farms and chocolate industry.

        One course of action that should be used the most is buying fair trade chocolate because it’s the best and easiest way. This way we can do everything in a regular day but when you are going to go get your usual chocolate bar instead of the big name brands get something like Divine chocolate. If this goes on everyday the companies will soon change to making their chocolate Fair Trade. Finally, there will be a day when all the child labor in the chocolate industry will come to an end, thank God.

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