Friday, June 8, 2012

Ariana Ventura The Dark side of chocolate

Dear reader,

 Can you imagine the suffering that goes on in West Africa, Children with tears reaching down their faces and being promised about everything getting better and it just gets worse and they lose their trust but never faith.
          Child Labor is used for many things but here’s a secret that won’t remain a secret for long. The people who harvest cocoa beans use slaves and use kids from the age of 10 and up. Chocolate companies like Hershey's pretend not to know that cocoa harvesters use child labor.
              What can we do is buy fair trade chocolate. Fair trade chocolates are chocolate where no child labor is used. Exchange students from Indonesia, India, Mozambique, and Switzerland joined trick or-treaters in the suburbs or Washington to deliver fair trade chocolate.This is reverse trick or – treating.

            Frieda Denis Cooper wrote a poem Cocoa Beans and I was inspired by this one line “A world of lovers sinfully unaware and can’t taste baby’s blood mixed in”. What this means to me is that us chocolate lovers focus on the good side of chocolate and are so blinded that we don’t realize the dark side of chocolate.

Its painful to see these kids cry and some of them lose their faith and hope but if you care lets not let them lose that love, faith, and hope LET’S END CHILD LABOR!.

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