Thursday, June 12, 2014

Blood Chocolate by Randy Garcia

Dear Chocolate Lover
          Wwwwssshh! That’s the sound of a whip. Barbarous people forcing kids to work at a young age with no pay or little pay harvesting cocoa beans in the Ivory Coast. Welcome to the life of 7 year old Abdul. He is a child slave in Ivory Coast cracking cocoa beans and dumping the milky white cocoa beans in a pile.
                Children play a critical role on cocoa plantations. Children harvest the football size cocoa beans with machetes. The children are brought to be put to work in cocoa farms  and even trafficked to the Ivory Coast. When trafficked, they are separated from their families. Children crack the cocoa beans and  then they ferment the beans with banana leaves. Can you imagine cocoa industry signed the Harkin-Engel Protocol to eliminate cocoa grown using forced child labor. But they are still using cocoa beans harvested using forced child labor.
Children working in cocoa plantations get injuries either from the pesticides or from the machetes. When harvesting the cocoa beans the children can have accidents cutting down the cocoa beans and cut themselves. When cutting down the cocoa beans their skin starts burning because of the pesticide. The video ‘’The Darkside of Chocolate‘’ showed a girl about the age of 9 with scars and bruises on her body all bloody.
          Some courses of action are reverse trick treating. Reverse trick or treating is kids giving fair trade chocolate during Halloween.Fair trade chocolate that is not made with child labor and pay the farmers a well amount of money. Reverse trick or treating is way to try to raise awareness of child labor in cocoa farms. In conclusion, those are the dangers of child labor in the Ivory Coast. Children play a critical role in the Ivory Coast.
 People need to be aware of the story behind a lot of the chocolate they eat.

                                                                   Yours truly
                                                                   Randy Garcia                         


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